[ blog » 2020 ]Ride: Konstanz and the Swiss Border (by Philipp Gesang, location: the balcony)

The proximity to two neighboring countries is part of the appeal of living in Tübingen as it allows for extravagant day trips across the border. One of those that I had on my list for a long time is the ride to Switzerland. Thanks to the weirdly contorted border it can be approached in various ways and since Covid-19 had kept me from doing my yearly Lake Constance ride I decided to combine the two and cross into Switzerland in Constance. 281 km traveled for a moderate 2200 m ascent; also I just reached my goal of keeping it under twelve hours.

Starting out at dawn around 5:00 h had the benefit of doing the hardest climb of the trip around 6:00 so I could enjoy watching the sun rise over the Swabian Jura. Throughout the day the weather was great, with long periods of overcast sky except for the spotless as usual climate around the Lake. I probably overdid it with the sunscreen a little and as a result had a thick white layer of goo on my extremities for the whole day.

The route is lined with picturesque towns and geographic landmarks. Notable scenery includes the Lauchert Valley which I followed across the Swabian Jura until I reached the Danube – surprisingly, there was plenty of water fountains on that section, good to know if I need a refill some day. Also the Lake Constance region stands out for its natural beauty and – as was noticable from around Stockach – the unique sea like microclimate. 10/10 would ride again. Many thanks also to the roadie who guided me to a gas station near Constance, and for that matter to the gas station clerk who extended his shift for a couple minutes to allow me to return the bottles I bought. Nice people everywhere this day.


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