[ blog » 2024 » 07_Norway ]Vimpeli to Virrat (by Philipp Gesang, location: An Apartment in Virrat)

Due to the long evening yesterday my body compensated by pinning me down in sleep until ten a. m. Decently rested I got to work: yesterday's puncture needed fixing. It was indeed a different part of the tire that was affected this time which means that I had not botched the first repair. I removed a ca. 5 mm long, sharp and pointy object that had pierced the tire and the inner tube, and then patched that tube.

With the fixed tube reinstalled I went to disassemble the tent. When I returned to the bike ten minutes later the rear tire had deflated again. Dammit! This tube was still leaking. I removed it from the tire once more and inspected it for more holes. A superficial check didn't find anything obvious so I submerged the tire in water to visualize escaping air. All to no avail, I could not see any bubbles of air emerging from the tube. To avoid losing even more time I declared the tube gone and got out the final fresh replacement tube that I was carrying in the frame bag. This one finally kept the air inside!

Replacing that tube took most of my short morning so I was growing impatient to get back on the bike. I was wary in the beginning, fearing that the tire might be too worn down already and that I'd get another flat soon. That fear was overblown though as the new tube lasted all day so far.

Once more I only covered the distance of half a day due to the complications earlier. It was a quiet, straightforward ride on a main road for the most part. The scenery started out a tad dull but improved markedly after Kuortane where I stayed at the lake for a short lunch break. Fields and forest again dominated the roadside with lakes adding to the mix with fair regularity. Towards the end in Pirkanmaa the terrain became noticably hillier, reminding of Lake Inari a bit not least because the road stayed clear of the lakes and followed the rolling hills instead. I didn't spot any reindeer anymore, I guess I'm way past those latitudes now.

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