[ blog » 2022 » 07_Tour_Norway ]d00: Swiss Prelude (by Philipp Gesang, location: ZRS)

Travel Anxiousness

Bicycle travel is weird in that its most stressful aspect is reaching the starting point in the first place. More remote destinations, in this case Tromsø, are effectively only reachable by the worst means of transportation, the airplane. Thankfully I managed to find an airline that not only inludes the bicycle in the fare without cost but also provides the bike carton which is usually a hassle to obtain. The flipside, however, is that I had to get to Zuerich first.

At the last minute I made the sensible choice to take the train an hour early which may have saved the entire trip because this train already was delayed en route on account of an avalanche in the Neckar valley. Under these conditions I would not have made my connection to Switzerland with the mere four minutes transfer time as originally planned. That hour waiting time at the Horb station was well invested!

Switzerland! The Texas of Europe where people barely even remember Covid-19 and nobody except passengers on trains arriving from Germany wears a face mask. Well, at least I made it to ZRS. Another five hours waiting before the check-in counter opens at 5:00 h. Big day tomorrow. Who knows, I might even catch an hour of sleep or so if that serial phonecaller next to me manages to shut up for a moment.


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